The darkness

 The darkness swallows all,

The things I try to hold on,

It clouds the light, making it murky,

It blinds me

And suffocates me deep inside.

It sews my mouth shut,

Playing with me like a marionette,

I wondered why?

Had I fallen so deep in this abyss,

Is there truly no hope,

To climb, crawl outside...

Darkness was gentle,

It gently cut me from my surroundings,

It was obsessive,

As it wanted me to drown in it ,

It whispered in my ears,

And I could only hear it , helplessly,

Cause couldn't see anymore..

My mind was clouded by darkness,

Cause I always kept talking and bottling things inside,

Self doubt grew,

Which darkness happily feasted on.

Empty from inside,

Numb From outside,

Darkness was not pleased,

As it left me to rot in it.

It crossed me,

 I Could strangle and set myself free,

But darkness held my hands saying 

"If dying was so easy, I wouldn't be darkness, but rather death.

Don't believe I will let you die.

You will rot in misery."

If you are reading this then I can't reach you. You can only help yourself by not doubting yourself.


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